These two Halloween Wreaths for $15 were both fun and inexpensive to make. They are easily put together with a little patience and a few supplies.
I needed a Halloween wreath to hang in the window above the fireplace as well as on the front door so I got to work.
Generally I am not a huge fan of glitter but am glad I stepped out of my general range and made these. I really like the way they turned out.
(Short YouTube Halloween Slideshow that features these as well as a couple other projects here on my Lovensthelife Channel.)
Ok…..Let’s Create!
Supplies for Both Wreaths
Listed here are the combined supplies for both wreaths in the event you would like to do both.
Below I break down supplies for each one, amounts of supplies used, and steps. If you are only wanting to see the details for one of the two you can also jump to that section here:

In the photo there are a few items I ended up not using. I never know until I am creating what I will end up using.
- Witch Hat Wreath Form
- Wreath Round
- Halloween Skull Sign (Comes in a pack of two – I intended to use the other one on the witch hat but ended up liking it better without)
- Black Floral Clip
- 1 Roll of Web Ribbon
- 3 Rolls of Sheer Black Ribbon
- 1 Bag of Creepy Cloth (used about half)
- 1 Roll of Glow in the Dark Tulle
- 2 Bunches of Black Roses (I used most of two bunches)
- 1 Bunch of Branches (I used 4 of the 5 on the bunch)
- Roll of Black Crepe Paper (used very little of the roll)
- Glue (I used hot glue)
- Scissors
All Supplies for these wreaths came from the Dollar Tree
Two wreaths for $15 with the following supplies left over: The Witch Sign, most of a roll of crepe paper, 1 black branch, black leaves and one rose, and 1/2 bag of creepy cloth.
Skull and Roses Wreath
Supplies List

In the photo there are some items I didn’t end up using.
- Large Wreath Round
- Halloween Skull Sign (Part of a 2 pack)
- 2 Bunches of Black Roses (I used most of two bunches)
- 1 Bunch of Branches (I used 4 of the 5 on the bunch)
- Sheer Black Ribbon ( I used most of two rolls)
- Tulle – Only use to hang (I used about 10 inches but you could hang with anything)
- Roll of Black Crepe Paper (used very little of the roll)
- Glue (I used hot glue)
- Scissors
All Supplies for these wreaths came from the Dollar Tree
The Wreath Form
I wrapped the wreath form in black crepe paper first. It is a really inexpensive way to cover a wreath form when you are using sheer ribbon. You can do multiple wreaths with one roll of crepe paper too.
I also did this with my Easter Wreath but in white.

Next, I wrapped it in the sheer ribbon. First I cut off the trim edges as I felt they were to shiny with all the glitter items already. When I was done wrapping, I cut off and tucked the ribbon under and then glued it down.

Adding the Roses and Branches
The branches were cut off the bunch, tucked under the ribbon on the wreath, and glued down.
Before gluing down the roses I removed them from the stem. I then cut them down as far as able without them falling apart.

Finishing Touches
I glued the string from the Halloween Skull Sign to the back of the wreath.
Finally, I added some of the glow in the dark tulle to hang it with. You really could hang it with anything of your choosing. I chose the tulle because of the glow factor but sadly have yet to see it glow at night.
The Completed Skull and Roses Wreath

I really like the way it turned out. So simple yet beautiful.
My mantle is starting to look a lot like HALLOWEEN!
Witch Hat Wreath
Supplies List

I didn’t end up using the Witch Sign or the Berries pictured
- Witch hat Wreath Form
- Black Foral Clip
- Roll of Web Ribbon
- Roll of Sheer Black Ribbon
- 1 Package of Creepy Cloth (only used about half)
- Roll of Glow in the Dark Tulle
- Glue (I used hot glue)
- Scissors
All Supplies for these wreaths came from the Dollar Tree
The Wreath Form
Top Four Sections
First step was adding the sheer black ribbon to the form. I used a trim edge of the ribbon and starting at the top I glued it to the outer edge of the frame running the length of the top four sections of the hat. Then I repeated this process for the other outer side of the frame.

Next, I cut off the trim from the other side of the ribbon on each side as I wanted the middle to be sheer. At the top of the hat and the bottom of section 4 I folded the ribbon and glued it to the wire portion on the back of the frame, cutting off any excess.
Then I cut sections long enough to run the length further down the frame covering the empty space. I cut the trim edge off both sides before doing this. I then repeated the same process as above, crossing the ribbons in a triangle pattern, to finish the rest of the top four sections of the hat.

Next, I put a layer of the glow in the dark tulle over sections 1-4, gluing it to the frame on the backside of the wreath. I have yet to notice it glow in the dark but I am still holding out hope.

Section 5
After the top four sections were complete I moved on to section 5. I took a piece of of the sheer black ribbon and cut it in half. Then I secured the trim edge of the ribbon to the top of section 5 as well as the sides. The other half of the ribbon went on the bottom of the 5th section but was secured only on the sides. I did not secure it on the bottom as I needed that portion of the frame free for the brim tying step.
I then placed a piece of the web ribbon across the center securing it on the backside of the frame on each side and then cutting off any excess.

Finishing up Sections 1-5
To cover the seams I wrapped some of the Creepy Cloth around the frame and glued it to itself on the backside.

I got a little glue happy at the beginning and just wasn’t liking the way the top looked so I covered it with web ribbon which I ended up really liking.

The brim
For the brim, I cut 5-6 inch pieces of the tulle, web ribbon, and sheer ribbon.

Then I tied them around the outer edge, the bottom of section 5, and the center of the brim. This was the most time consuming portion of the wreath by far. I was thinking I would never get done but really enjoyed it once I took it outside on the covered back porch to enjoy the rainy evening.

Finishing Touches
I clipped on the flower clip and glued on a piece of ribbon to hang it.

The Completed Project

I love how it looks on the glass section of the door. So glad I ended up doing it sheer in places.

It even looks kind of cool from the inside.
Your Turn to Create
I would love to hear if you gain inspiration from this post and make one or both of the Two Halloween Wreaths for $15