Dollar Tree Toilet Paper Pumpkins

In our home, the bathroom got the fall love first this year. 2020 was the year of the toilet paper shortage so it’s only fitting that in 2021 the toilet paper is wrapped pretty and cherished on top of the…
In our home, the bathroom got the fall love first this year. 2020 was the year of the toilet paper shortage so it’s only fitting that in 2021 the toilet paper is wrapped pretty and cherished on top of the…
Here is a peek into one corner of my chaos. It is the corner of my chaos that inspired a DIY Wall Media Cabinet from a couple crates I already had on hand. I love my old trunks but we…
This DIY Baby Shark Toss was for my son’s second birthday party back in April. I had done a similar activity for my daughter when she turned two and it was a huge hit. It is a simple inexpensive way…
This Simple Easter Wreath was quick, easy, and inexpensive. All supplies except the yellow ribbon are from the Dollar Tree. Would you believe the yellow ribbon is actually some I bought for our wedding album? We got married in 2003!…
Little Bunny Foo Flower – From Dollar Tree Items was so fun to make. I don’t know why but I keep calling it Little Bunny Foo Flower so I am going to go with it. Who knows the song? It…
This Egg Tulip Bouquet – From Dollar Tree Items will bring lots of color to your Easter Decor. Added bonus, it was inexpensive and so so fun to make! I ended up by happenstance with a garden themed Easter this…
This DIY HIPPITY HOP TO THE COFFEE POT SIGN was simple, fun to make, and super inexpensive. Nearly all of the supplies came from the Dollar Tree. My intention was for it to be a seasonal sign but it makes…
This DIY Carrot Patch Bunny Decor was simple, fun to make, and super inexpensive. Nearly all of the supplies came from the Dollar Tree. I just love the bunnies super fluffy tail and little paws up on the fence peeking…
This DIY Cottontail Farm Decor piece is one I have been planning for weeks and weeks and weeks. I finally got to bring it to life. Nearly all of the supplies came from the Dollar Tree. To make it happen…