Time to change from all things New Year’s and new beginnings to all things hearts and love. Which means it’s a great time to share my ‘Rainbow Affirmation Kitty’ Valentine’s Box.
I think we should express love everyday but a day devoted to just that shouldn’t go unnoticed in my opinion.
Plus, I have such fond memories of Valentine’s day!! It seems anymore it is mostly associated with romantic love but growing up my favorite Valentines came from my parents.
Mom usually took care of all gifts and cards for the year. Generally she would sign for both her and dad or if dad signed it would usually just say, ‘love, dad.’ BUT on Valentine’s day, I would get a special something from each of them. I would receive a very special (often hand made) Valentine from my mom. My dad would not only hand pick a special card but he would also write a special note in it to me. Both were so special and I loved them.
Another found memory of Valentine’s Day is making fun boxes in grade school for all the Valentine’s to go in. It was like having your very own mailbox at your desk. I loved going through my newly created box and seeing what each classmate chose as their Valentine to me.
I might be an old adult now but making a fun Valentine’s box still brings me joy.
Ok, on to making your very own Rainbow Affirmation Kitty Valentine’s Box.
Valentine’s Box Supplies:

- Kleenex box
- Tape (I used scotch tape)
- Glue (I used Elmer’s glue) but would recommend stick glue or double sided tape instead
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Construction Paper in the following colors:
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Purple
- Pink
- White
- Paint brush
- Clear Glitter paint
- Googly eyes
- Marker(s) [Not pictured above] I used rainbow colors but any will work)
- Pink paint marker or Pink Marker or Pink Paint [Not pictured above]
- Sparkly pink glitter tape [Not pictured above] Could also use ribbon or paper strips
- Cardboard [Not pictured above] I used the back to the construction paper book. However, if I were to do it again I would use a stiffer cardboard for the tail – like cardboard from a box.
Let’s Create our Valentine’s box!
Covering the Valentine’s box
First, I covered the ends of the tissue box. I cut pink construction paper a little larger than the end of the box. Then I wrapped it like you would wrap a gift and secured it with tape.

Next, I cut my rainbow colored strips. You will need 3 total in each color of the rainbow. 2 for the box and one to save for the face and tail. I used a ruler and pencil to make the edges nice and straight. The width of each strip is 1.5 inches which worked well. The length is anywhere from 6-7 inches. I just cut them the width of the page and then trimmed off the excess.

Once I had all my strips cut I set aside one set for the kitty’s face and tail and got to work with the other two on the box. I started by securing them to the box. I started with red at one end and then followed in the order of the rainbow overlapping them just a little. On the top of the box, I secured with Elmer’s glue because I didn’t want you to see tape. On the bottom of the box I just used tape. The Elmer’s glue make it a little lumpy on top so if I were to make another I think I would use a glue stick or double sided tape here.
The Valentine’s box all Rainbowed
I then added glitter tape around the opening on the top to just make it look more finished. You could use ribbon or cut construction paper as well.

Turning the Box into a Kitty Valentine’s Box
Making the face & tail for your Valentine’s Box
I used the back to the construction paper book for the face, tail, and ears. However, if I were to do it again I would use a stiffer cardboard for the tail – like cardboard from a box.
For the face, I cut out a heart from the cardboard. To get it the size I wanted I first traced the end of the box on paper and then folded that in half and cut a heart for my template. You will be able to skip that step as the heart is 7 × 5 inches.
For the tail, I just drew something that resembled a tail on cardboard and cut it out.
Kitty tail The heart size
Next I covered them with the cut rainbow construction paper. The first step in doing this was I taped the strips together and then glued them to the template. I spread out the glue with my fingers to keep it from wrinkling as much as the top of the box did. Then I cut out the shape a little larger than the template. Note: I wasn’t worried about how the back of the kitty would look. If you are you could wrap them.
Same process for the tail
Making & covering the ears for your Valentine’s box
I did the ears all pink but you could choose to cut smaller strips and cover them in rainbow or any color for that matter. I just cut two of the corners off the cardboard backing and wrapped them in pink construction paper like I did the ends of the tissue box, present style.
Giving the Valentine’s Box Kitty a cute face
First I glued on the googly eyes where I wanted them. I then cut out a small pink heart for the nose. I painted a thin layer of glitter glue over it and let it dry. While it was drying I cut thin pink strips for the whiskers. I glued them down where I wanted them on one end only and then glued the nose over them.
Attaching all the pieces to the Valentine’s box
With a pink paint marker I drew in a dark pink triangle on the ears. Then I covered them with glitter paint as I had done the nose. Once they had dried I attached them to the heart. I just used tape on the back to attach them.
The white heart Template I had used to make the face, I just glued it over the backside since it was there and it was looking pretty rough 😉 I then attached the face to the box with glue.
I painted some glitter over the back of the tail as well. For the tail I used tape and then covered the mess with some glitter tape and hearts. If I were to do this project again I would cut a slit in the box and put the tail end down into the box far enough to tape it there. This would hide the tape mess.

The affirmation words and clouds for the Valentine’s box
To me Valentine’s Day is about all LOVE! It took me a long time to realize the importance of self love (still don’t have it close to mastered) but added some of that into this project with some positive affirmations.
First, I drew a cloud shape and cut out eight of them using the white construction paper. Then, I added a positive word to each using different colored markers. I cut out a rectangle for the top and wrote, “I am….” I then covered them all with the clear glitter paint. Once they were dry i glued them on the box.
If you get stuck on writing affirmations, a simple google search of positive affirmations for kids brings up lots of ideas or here is a link: https://selfsufficientkids.com/affirmations-for-kids/

Your turn to create
I would love to hear if you gain inspiration from this post and make your very own Rainbow Affirmation Kitty Valentine’s Box!