When I saw this light bulb ornament from the Dollar Tree I just knew it would make an adorable gnome. I added some sentimental value by repurposing outgrown clothes and made a Keepsake Gnome Ornament.
Two Christmas’ ago the kids had similar pajamas. It was for my son’s first Christmas and my daughter was still in that just moving from preschool to grade school age. Both of the white shirts that were part of the pajama sets as well as my son’s pants were trashed (they were a favorite for both kids). However, my daughter’s pants and my son’s hat were in usable shape and I just couldn’t part with them. I have been trying not to keep to much keepsake stuff unless it serves a purpose so I created a purpose.
Video tutorial also available HERE on my YouTube Channel.
Ok…..Let’s Create!
Supplies List

- Light Bulb Ornament (Dollar Tree)
- Faux Snow
- Material – bonus points if it’s a keepsake material.
- Half wooden ball or bead
- Pompom
- Mod Podge
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors
- Disposable cup
The Ornament
Start by adding Mod Podge to the ornament. Then swirl it around until it coats the bottom 2/3.
Next add faux snow to the ornament and swirl it around until it coats the mod podge.

Place the ornament upside down in a disposable cup to drain.

The Hat
I used my daughter’s pajama pants to make the hat. I first cut the cuff off the bottom of the pant leg. Then I cut a triangle-ish shape out of it. One section was still attached together with the pant seam so I just left that, one less area to glue.

Then I folded over the cut edge (where the opening for the hat would be) and glued it to make a nice seam.

Then with right sides facing each other I glued two of the three sides together. The side not glued will be the folded edge. This hat was wonky and not even at all but when it’s all put on the ornament it mattered not at all.

Putting the Keepsake Ornament together
The Hanger
I just used the hanger attached to the ornament from the Dollar Tree. I poked a tiny hole in the backside of the hat and threaded the string through it. Once through and pulled to the length I wanted it I used a dab of hot glue to close the hole and hold it together. You could use your scissors to poke the hole or even a needle if you wanted to avoid the larger hole. I had a skewer nearby for another project so I just used it.

The Nose
Grab a wooden half ball or bead and glue it to the ornament where you want the nose.
The Hat

Next glue the hat on where you want it. I glued it down on each side and then a strip across the back.

The Cherry on Top
Glue on the pom pom.


I just love the way it turned out.
In the right light his beard glimmers just a little from the faux snow. I don’t have my Christmas decor out yet so held a battery tea light behind it for this picture. I think it will really sparkle when added to the tree.

Now I just need to decide what to make with the rest of may daughter’s pajama pants and from the little hat that was my son’s.
Your Turn to Create
I would love to hear if you gain inspiration from this post and make your very own Keepsake Gnome Ornament