This Dollar Tree Faux Enamel Tiered Tray was inexpensive to make and I was able to create it just the size I needed.
I had picked up a Hoosier awhile back off Facebook Marketplace for a very reasonable price. I have always wanted one so I was thrilled. It was missing the roll down cupboard door which gives me a great area for decor. Awhile ago I had decided I wanted a little tiered tray in there but they were either the wrong size or the wrong price so a DIY it was.
I had seen so many incredible trays with Dollar Tree items so have been planning this for months and months. This can finally be marked off my ‘to create’ list.
Video tutorial also available HERE on my YouTube Channel.
Ok…..Let’s Create!
Supplies List

Aside from the 4 items I picked up at the Dollar Tree I had everything else on hand for other projects so this tray cost me $4.
- Pie pan (Dollar Tree)
- Cake Pan (Dollar Tree)
- Bowl (Dollar Tree
- Plunger – for the handle (Dollar Tree)
- Wooden Cap
- Half Bead
- White Spray Paint + Primer
- Black Paint
- Glue or Screws or a combo – I used the following:
- E6000
- Gorilla Super
- Wood Glue
- 2 inch Screws
- Saw
- Sand Paper or Block
- Rubbing Alcohol
I first glued the pie pan to the bottom of the bowl. I used e6000 glue and a large rock until it set up. So far it has held beautifully.

Next you will cut the plunger handle in the lengths you want. I was going for a specific height to fit on the Hoosier but you could make yours any size you would like. For reference my dowels were cut to 7 inches and 4.5 inches.

Attaching Fail
Next, I tried popping some e6000 glue with a little hot glue on the plunger handle and attaching it to the pans. It failed and didn’t hold well at all. First, there isn’t much surface area with the handle. Second, I didn’t prep the pans at all.
Since the glue didn’t hold even prior to any paint for me I formulated another plan which required paint first. I decided prepping gave me the best chance at success so I got to work doing that.
With a sanding block I scuffed up the pie and cake pan on all sides. Then I cleaned them with alcohol.

The decorative top
For the top, I took a decorative cap I had picked up in a pack from Walmart and glued a half bead to the top using wood glue.

Next up was painting everything. I used Rust-oleum spray paint in satin blossom white for the three metal pieces. For the wood pieces I used black acrylic paint. I wasn’t entirely sure I was going to settle on the cap top so I painted it and then used wood glue to attach it to the pole. Normally, I would have glued it and then painted.

Attaching Take 2
I solicited my husbands help for this as I wasn’t sure how well I would do drilling through metal.
First, find the center of the pie and cake pan both.

Drill a hole in the cake pan, through the bowl/pie pan, and in each end of the dowel that will attach the two together. In my case it was the longer of the two dowels. I would suggest a vice for drilling the dowel and not holding it with your hand as my husband did.

Screw the dowel to the pie pan that is glued to the bowl. You will go up through the bottom of the bowl through the attached pie pan and into the dowel.

Next put a screw partially through the cake pan so that you can line it up with the hole in the dowel and screw it in place.

Finally drill out a hole in the bottom of the other dowel (the one with the decorative cap on top) and then glue it down over the screw.

The Faux Enamel

Using the same acrylic paint I had used to paint the dowels and top, I painted the tray to resemble enamel. I found that using the side of the brush around the edges worked best. I have seen this done with sharpie as well. For the chip areas put in various areas I really globed the paint on. I felt it looked most realistic with a good thick bit of black. Possibly I got a little carried away with the large chip areas but I think it’s alright for my first attempt.
Still undecided on if I should drill a hole in the cap and put a ring through it……hmmmm.
Let me know what you think in the comments.


It will reside on the Hoosier somewhere in the cupboard area. This Hoosier was a steal but it was missing the roll down door as well as one knob. I intend to paint the area where the tray will reside at some point.

Your Turn to Create
I would love to hear if you gain inspiration from this post and make your very own Dollar Tree Faux Enamel Tiered Tray