Grade School Paper Snowflakes on Glimmer and Glitz


Post holiday blah and cold weather always make January a little bit of a downer month for me. To battle that a little I got to work on these Glimmer & Glitz Snowflakes!

My mantel has become a centerpiece that I enjoy switching up. I love to change things, redecorate, recreate, and relocate. This has been known to cause my life to be in somewhat of a chaotic state OFTEN. The mantel for me has become a perfect way to change things up without destroying the rest of the house.

When the Christmas decorations came down the mantle was looking a little bleak and 2020 had enough of that for a lifetime! I created a plan to combat the drab mantle using items I already had at home and on the cheap.

Tree & window looking so desolate and bare!

If you like the tree, you can make your own here: Our Ornament Tree ~ So Simple and inexpensive to make ~

Plans for the window are still in the planning phases {also known as: I have too many projects going and not enough time.}

Ok back to Shimmery, Sparkly, Shiny Snowflakes that I almost didn’t share because it really is so ridiculously simple. However, it brought sparkle to my mantel, a smile to my face, and for only pennies from the pocket book. Also, we need all the cheer we can get these days!

So, let’s get started.

Supplies needed to make Grade School Snowflakes on Glimmer (Mod Podge) and Glitz (BUFFALO SNOWFLAKES)

Snowflake making supplies
  • Scissors
  • Pencil (not pictured above)
  • Paintbrush
  • Paper
  • Round Stencil or something to draw a circle with
  • Fishing line or ribbon of choice (not pictured above)
  • Wax Paper or other table protection
  • Mod Podge
  • Buffalo Snow Flakes, Fake Snow, or Glitter

Let’s make Snowflakes

OK, transport yourself back to simpler times and a grade school version of yourself.

Are you there? Ok, NOW let’s get to cutting!

Cutting your Snowflakes out

  1. You will cut out your snowflake base shape first. Chosen for my project were circles but my 7 year old daughter did an oval one that turned out really cool that I will show you later on. These circle stencils were laying around collecting dust so I used them. However, you could free hand circles or trace around household items such as glasses or jars as well.
Cut your base shape
  1. Once you have cut out your desired size circles you are ready to start folding. You will make three simple half folds:
    • First, fold the circle in half into a taco shape.
    • Second, fold your taco shape in half into a rounded triangle shape.
    • Third and final, fold your rounded triangle shape in half into a cone shape.
  1. Next up cutting! Turns out this is my favorite part. There is just something so calming and relaxing about scissors to paper for me. I just went all willy nilly with my cuts and didn’t plan at all but did find that they got more creative the more I made. Lesson….don’t be afraid to try something different. To give you an example and to have something to show you I drew out these cuts first for my sample snowflake.
Paper Snowflake

Glimmering and Glitzing your Snowflake

Grab your freshly cut snowflake, mod podge, a paintbrush, and your glitz of choice. I put mine out on wax paper hoping it wouldn’t stick as much but it still stuck some so I think any protective surface for your table here is fine.

Glimmer & Glitz Supplies
  1. Paint a light layer of Mod Podge over the surface of your snowflake. This gives the snowflake a shiny shimmery look and also stiffens it some.
Mod Podge applied to Snowflake
  1. Take your sparkle of choice (I used Buffalo Snowflakes) and sprinkle it over your Mod Podge painted snowflake.
Sprinkle the sparkle
Let it FAKE SNOW, Let it FAKE SNOW, Let it FAKE SNOW!!
AND Sparkled
  1. Then, I carefully lifted up the snowflake and moved it to a clean area on the wax paper so it would not stick down.
All glittered and ready to hang
  1. Note: after the snowflakes had dried I took a folded out paperclip and knocked most of the glitter in the cut out areas out. In some instances this wasn’t much but in others it was a great deal.

Hanging your snowflakes

I simply hung the snowflakes on fishing line as I didn’t want to see any ribbon where I was hanging them. However, you could get really fun and creative here with decorative ribbon if you wanted.

COMPLETED Snowflakes

There are so many ways to add these to your home decor.

Since I set out to decorate my bare ornament tree I hung them there.

You can see my post on making the tree here: Our Ornament Tree ~ So Simple and inexpensive to make ~

I ended up with enough snowflakes left to string together for a little garland for my bare window.

I have a winter idea for this window I need time for…….

Aren’t they pretty for such a simple project!?

Your turn to create

I would love to hear if you gain inspiration from this post and make your very own Glimmer & Glitz Snowflakes!


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