Welcome! I am excited to have you here with me as I attempt navigating the life of blogging. 

Hi, I am Lisa, Lisa Ovens, L Ovens LOvens (hence the name). I am just a human trying to make the most out of this one life we get and doing my darndest to  LOVENSTHELIFE (lovens the life).

It has taken me nearly 10 months to finally write this ‘About Me’ section. It’s like going to the dentist or the DMV….. dreaded. I have procrastinated long enough so here goes.  Forewarning, I am long winded.

I am a mom to two energetic children and a wife to my hubby of 18 years! I have worn many hats and the only consistent (other than incredible people) in my life the last 8 years has been change.  From a settled wife of 10 years, with fur babies, and a career to a brand new human mom and traveling gypsy, to a stay-at-home mom, to a part-time working mom with a traveling husband, to a full-time working mom with a traveling husband, to a working mom with a husband home but ever so briefly, to a stay-at-home mom again with baby number 2, to a relocation several states away so the hubby could stop traveling.

Other than the short time we all traveled, my life has been in Montana. Since November 2019, my daily life is now in Wisconsin. It has been a tough change and then with the added craziness of Covid I have been in a daily battle with my crazy tough opponent, depression. I have won some battles and depression has won others but I keep fighting and intend to win the war.

I’m telling you all of that because I got back into crafting as an outlet for myself.  I have dabbled with crafts and DIY’s but it has been years and years so I am pretty rusty.

Life before the out of state move consisted of working an out of home job and running here and there. The addition of a second child, the move, plus Covid put all of that to a screeching halt. I found myself stuck, isolated, and depressed. To add insult to injury my personality conflicts got in the way. I like things neat and tidy and crafting is not neat and tidy. I crave simplicity but hoard craft supplies, craft ideas, and keepsakes. Add in kids the home update chaos, 8 years of totes of stuff and the mess has been nothing like I have ever experienced. I am working to accept this mess, live with it, work around it, and do my best to embrace it. It is temporary and only a season, hopefully. I will be organized again. Shut up anxiety this is fine!! It’s all FINE!

I have blank frames on the wall. Blank spots on the shelves. Beautiful artwork and family photos in the closet. I have rooms to paint, 8 years of storage to sort, spaces to organize and all in a 1250 square foot home. So this blog may have started as a space for simply sharing inexpensive crafting but it is morphing (even if it’s just in my head so far) into so much more. I foresee this site being a random and eclectic combination of many loves, many projects, plus all the adulting; including but not limited to gardening, planting, crafting, thrifting, vintage things, growing as a human, DIY’s in our neverending ‘remove the 90’s’ house’, organization, miscellaneous DIY’s, a kid craft or two, battling the blues, mommying, wife-ing and all of it on a little budget.   Fun!?  I think so. 

I invite you to follow along because who (not even I) knows where this journey will lead to next. You are bound to witness some messes but hopefully on occasion some true successes!


Cliffs Notes Version

Stay-at-home mom and wife trying to piece back together life after 8 years of constant change. Does crafts and DIY’s as selfcare that also sparks joy. Those sparks help in the battle against depression.

Has many ‘in the works’ or ‘in the thought process’ projects, crafts, and DIY’s to share.

Anticipates future to hold lots of learning, growing, cleaning out, giving away, playing catch up, organizing, finishing half starts, planning, doing, parenting, crafting and living with a smile.

If you dare you are invited to share in the mess, chaos, randomness, eclectic style, creations, thoughts, confessions, and life of Mrs. Lovens.

Me, Myself, I and You just might learn a few more things to aid us in LOVENSTHELIFE!

~ Lisa (again)